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Environmental Policy


Neal & Leroy, LLC is committed to minimizing the impact of its activities on the environment. The key points of its strategy to achieve this goal are:


  • Minimize waste by evaluating operations and ensuring they are as efficient and energy efficient as possible.

  • Actively promote recycling both internally and amongst our employees, clients, suppliers and vendors. 

  • Meet or exceed all the environmental legislation that may relate to the Firm. 

  • Encourage and promote employee behaviors that sustain the environment (making a bicycle room available for employees that bike to work and creating a pre-tax transit program to encourage the use of public transportation). 


Also, the management of the 20 S. Clark Street building that includes the office of Neal & Leroy, LLC is LEED Gold-Certified. This certification is only given to buildings that meet certain environmentally friendly criteria which include using “green” paper products and cleaning supplies, energy efficient lighting, in-building recycling programs, indoor plants and control over the HVAC to reduce harmful emissions from the building and use of natural resources efficiently. The building participates in the Energy Star program to help identify the best ways to save energy.


Additionally, Neal & Leroy, LLC participates in a paper recycling program administered by the management of 20 S. Clark Street building. The building is committed to "Recycling at the Speed of Green!" All discarded paper, bottles and cans, are recycled on a daily basis. The firm's office also encourages double sided printing and the use of electronic communication, and utilizes energy efficient lighting.



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