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Neal & Leroy, LLC is proud of its longstanding, extensive, and distinguished history of advising and representing municipalities, municipal authorities, educational institutions, public agencies and other public trusts. We have provided legal services on behalf of the Public Building Commission of Chicago for over 25 years in the course of the firm's role as general counsel for the Commission.


We represent public officials in Cook County and municipalities including Chicago, Burr Ridge, Berwyn, Evanston, Des Plaines, Countryside, Riverdale, Hodgkins, Mount Prospect, Oak Park, and Glenview. We have provided services as outside counsel to myriad public bodies, among them the City of Chicago, Chicago Transit Authority, the Illinois Medical Commission, the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District, the Public Building Commission, the Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority, the Forest Preserve District of Cook County, and the Illinois International Port District.


We advise public officials on municipal authority and legislation, home rule law and obligations, restrictions on land acquisitions, charters and amendments, intergovernmental agreements, zoning and land developments. We also provide counsel and advice on issues relating to municipal activities under the Illinois Constitution and other Illinois statutes and regulations regarding municipal authority. Neal & Leroy advises and represents public officials in the face of challenges to public purpose and public use requirements.


We regularly represent municipalities in tax increment financing, redevelopment agreements, land acquisition, planned development ordinances, zoning compliance, and business retention agreements. We have over 30 years of experience in providing legal services in the areas of contracts and procurement law on behalf of various public clients. Municipal, state, and federal agencies have retained our firm as counsel for a wide range of services that have included consulting on requests for proposals and bids; preparing and negotiating contracts and other procurement documents; advising on bid analysis and award; construction issues including delay claims, change orders, errors, and omissions; mechanic's lien proceedings; and construction litigation.


Key Representative Matters 

Public Building Commission of Chicago 

  • Neal & Leroy serves as general counsel to the Public Building Commission of Chicago in consultation and advice regarding meetings of the Board; applicable legislation; finance and budget; Open Meetings Act; Freedom of Information Act; evaluation of bids; and internal investigations and audits. Also, the firm served as general counsel in preparing and negotiating intergovernmental agreements, contract provisions, and revisions to contract documents. The firm advises in various types of cases involving labor and employment, construction, litigation, mechanic’s liens, defense of personal injury claims, eminent domain, and negotiation of all real estate matters including land acquisition, building grounds, and construction.


Chicago Municipal Authorities 

  • Neal & Leroy served as legal counsel for acquiring and rezoning land for the Chicago Board of Education, Chicago Public Library, and Chicago Park District for the construction of new schools, campus parks, fire stations, libraries, additions, and parks.


Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority 

  • Neal & Leroy represented Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority in all aspects of its land acquisition, including acquiring properties for its exposition halls, parking facilities, and related facilities. We also drafted amendments to its acquisition legislation. We negotiated for and acquired air rights for construction over railroad rights-of-way, obtained easements for the construction of passageways over rail properties and highway property, and coordinated the acquisition of rights for the dedicated bus way over portions of railroad property to connect Chicago’s downtown with McCormick Place.


Village of Riverdale, IL 

  • Neal & Leroy served as legal counsel in the acquisition of parcels via private negotiated sale and condemnation and subsequent site plan approval for the residential Whistler Crossing Project, a major redevelopment project in the Pacesetter Townhome area.


Other Matters 

  • Neal & Leroy has represented clients in contested state and local sales tax audits throughout the United States.

  • Neal & Leroy has advised clients concerning procurement and contract administration, preparation of solicitation and contract documents for professional services and construction work, bid analysis and resolution of claims and disputes.

  • Neal & Leroy has represented clients in negotiating dispute resolutions in major government contracts.



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20 South Clark Street, Suite 2050 | Chicago, Illinois 60603

T: (312)641-7144 | F: (312)641-5137

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